Create a new nomination pool with a specific pool ID
On-chain name of method: nominationPools_createWithPoolId
parameter | type | optional | description |
amount | BN | false | The amount of funds to delegate to the pool |
root | string | false | The account to set as [PoolRoles::root ] |
nominator | string | false | The account to set as the [PoolRoles::nominator ] |
bouncer | string | false | The account to set as the [PoolRoles::bouncer ] |
poolId | number | false | pool id |
waitFor | WaitFor | false | wait for block inclusion or finalization |
account | KeyringPair | false | account that will send and sign the transaction |
options | SignerOptions | true | used to overwrite existing signer options |
On failure, a reason for the failure is returned. On success, the function will return a object of type PoolCreateWithPoolIdTxSuccess
This object contains the details of the transaction and your newly created nomination pool.
Minimal example
You will need to set up the dev environment required to run this example. For instructions, check out our docs here.
If you’re sending an extrinsic (i.e conducting a transaction) you will need to replace the demo seed phrase with your own seed phrase. The rest of the code should work as is.
- The minimum amount of
required to create a nomination pool is10_000 AVAIL
. - You need to allocate privileges to some accounts while creating the pool.
Different roles within a nomination pool
A pool consists of 4 roles, each of which having different responsibilities in managing the running of the pool.
- Root: Can change the nominator, bouncer, or itself. Further, it can perform any of the actions the nominator or bouncer can.
- Depositor: Creates the pool and is the initial member. The depositor can only leave the pool once all other members have left. Once they leave by withdrawing, the pool is fully removed from the system.
- Nominator: Can select the validators the pool nominates.
- Bouncer: Can change the pool’s state and kick (permissionlessly unbond/withdraw) members if the pool is blocked.
- Inside
, add the following code:
import * as dotenv from 'dotenv';
import { Account, SDK, BN, Pallets } from 'avail-js-sdk';
export async function nominationPoolsCreateWithPoolId() {
// Initialize SDK with Turing endpoint
const sdk = await SDK.New('wss://');
// Create account from seed in .env file
const seed = process.env.SEED;
if (!seed) {
throw new Error("SEED environment variable is not set");
// Create account from seed
const account =;
console.log("Account Address: ", account.address);
// Initial deposit amount: 10,000 AVAIL
const amount = new BN(10).pow(new BN(18)).mul(new BN(10000)); // 10,000 AVAIL
console.log("Initial Deposit: 10,000 AVAIL");
// Pool roles - using Alice's address for all roles
const root = "5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY"; // Alice
const nominator = "5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY"; // Alice
const bouncer = "5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY"; // Alice
const poolId = 0; // Specific pool ID to create
// Create pool with ID transaction
const tx = sdk.tx.nominationPools.createWithPoolId(amount, root, nominator, bouncer, poolId);
console.log("Submitting create pool with ID transaction...");
// Execute and wait for inclusion
const res = await tx.executeWaitForInclusion(account, {});
// Check if transaction was successful
const isOk = res.isSuccessful();
if (isOk === undefined) {
throw new Error("Cannot check if transaction was successful");
else if (!isOk) {
throw new Error("Transaction failed");
console.log("\nPool creation with ID completed successfully");
// Log all transaction details
console.log("\nTransaction Details:");
console.log(`Transaction Hash: ${res.txHash}`);
console.log(`Block Hash: ${res.blockHash}`);
console.log(`Block Number: ${res.blockNumber}`);
// Execute the function
- Run the code using:
ts-node your-file-name.ts
Sample Response:
"isErr": false,
"event": {
"depositor": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty",
"poolId": "0"
"event2": {
"member": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty",
"poolId": "0",
"bonded": "10000",
"joined": "true"
"events": [...],
"txHash": "0x6b50caed7950e67934cabbf88a1f7dc2e7e995ac608402f91a4db19be0da5c41",
"txIndex": 1,
"blockHash": "0xc06df7dbb1e404f54499f942479ddcffc92665c021ea07c2798fc2f354f403d3",
"blockNumber": 6
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