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API ReferenceAvail node API referenceNominate staked AVAIL tokens to one or more validators

Nominate staked AVAIL tokens to one or more validators

On-chain name of extrinsic: staking_nominate


targetsstring[]falselist of addresses to nominate
waitForWaitForfalsewait for block inclusion or finalization
accountKeyringPairfalseaccount that will send and sign the transaction
optionsSignerOptionstrueused to overwrite existing signer options


On failure, a reason of failure is returned. On Success, Nominate transaction data, transaction hash and block hash is returned.

Minimal example

  1. You will need to set up the dev environment required to run this example. For instructions, check out our docs here.

  2. If you’re sending an extrinsic (i.e conducting a transaction) you will need to replace the demo seed phrase with your own seed phrase. The rest of the code should work as is.

  1. Inside your-file-name.ts, add the following code:
import * as dotenv from 'dotenv'; import { Account, SDK, Pallets } from 'avail-js-sdk'; dotenv.config(); export async function stakingNominate() { // Initialize SDK with Turing endpoint const sdk = await SDK.New('wss://'); // Create account from seed in .env file const seed = process.env.SEED; if (!seed) { throw new Error("SEED environment variable is not set"); } // Create account from seed const account =; console.log("Account Address: ", account.address); // Validator targets to nominate const targets = [ "5GNJqTPyNqANBkUVMN1LPPrxXnFouWXoe2wNSmmEoLctxiZY", // Alice Stash "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty", // Bob ]; console.log("Nominating validators:"); targets.forEach((target, index) => { console.log(` ${index + 1}. ${target}`); }); // Create nominate transaction const tx = sdk.tx.staking.nominate(targets); console.log("Submitting nomination transaction..."); // Execute and wait for inclusion const res = await tx.executeWaitForInclusion(account, {}); // Check if transaction was successful const isOk = res.isSuccessful(); if (isOk === undefined) { throw new Error("Cannot check if transaction was successful"); } else if (!isOk) { throw new Error("Transaction failed"); } console.log("Nomination completed successfully"); console.log(`Transaction Hash: ${res.txHash}`); console.log(`Block Hash: ${res.blockHash}`); process.exit(0); } // Execute the function stakingNominate();
  1. Run the code using:
ts-node your-file-name.ts
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