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Avail Nexus Mailbox Examples

Building truly interoperable apps is possible with Avail Nexus. App developers can leverage Nexus to build asynchronously composable applications without the need for bridging. On this page, we explore to quick examples on how to leverage Nexus’s capabilities.

ERC20 Bridging via Nexus Mailbox

ERC20 Bridging via Nexus Mailbox is a great example of message passing between layers. It is a simple example of how a message can be passed between two rollups. It is a bidirectional communication.

Basic Overview

For this example, we have two Era chains: ZKSync 1 and ZKSync 2.

  • The user wants to transfer an ERC20 token from ZKSync 1 to ZKSync 2.
  • ERC20 is transferred and locked/burned on ZKsync 1.
  • Verification of state transition is done via Nexus.
  • If valid, the tokens are minted on the destination chain (ZKsync 2)

You can find the full implementation of the code here .

  1. Let’s look at bridge-mailbox/index.ts where our main implementation is defined. We first import the dependencies.
import { ethers, Provider, keccak256, lock } from "ethers"; import { Provider as L2Provider } from "zksync-ethers"; import { NexusClient, MailBoxClient, ProofManagerClient, ZKSyncVerifier } from "nexus-js"; import BridgeABI from "./abi/bridge.json" with { type: "json" }; import ERC20Abi from "./abi/MyERC20Token.json" with { type: "json" }; import mailboxAbi from "./abi/mailbox.json" with { type: "json" }; import { sleep } from "zksync-ethers/build/utils.js";
  1. Configs: Define the addresses on which Mailbox, Bridges and other things are deployed on.
const NexusBridgeZKSYNC1 = "0x74040d76894401D697750509ac0Ac5Dd0BAf1a93"; const NexusBridgeZKSYNC2 = "0xdED0afd11372a9c3c3aa40Ba6080879bB740DF49"; const ERC20TokenZKSYNC1 = "0x44c92F289Ce0be8c8dBB59d51bC2c6485ebF8DFB"; const ERC20TokenZKSYNC2 = "0xD464c2d2B354D97AFBCC8a04096212b1483Ff065"; const mailboxAddressZKSYNC1 = "0x9a03a545A60263216c4310Be05C34B71C170903A"; const mailboxAddressZKSYNC2 = "0x96A52A4dAcf9Cf7c07C6af08Ecf892ec009ea5aa"; const privateKey = "0x5090c024edb3bdf4ce2ebc2da96bedee925d9d77d729687e5e2d56382cf0a5a6"; const zksync1URL = ""; const zksync2URL = ""; const nexusRPCUrl = "";
  1. Implementation: This is where the transfer actually happens.

The process is simple:

  • Connect to the chain RPCs,
  • Initilalize bridge, ERC20, and mailboxes contracts
  • We can then lock ERC20 Tokens on ZKSync 1, minting ERC20 tokens on ZKSync 2, and approving the bridge contracts to spend tokens.
  • sendERC20() is called on the ZKsync 1 bridge contract to initiate the bridging process.
const lockAmount = ethers.parseEther("1"); await, ethers.parseEther("10")); await erc20TokenZKSYNC1Contract.approve(bridgeContractZKSYNC1, lockAmount); const tx = await bridgeContractZKSYNC1.sendERC20(...); const receipt = await tx.wait();

Once the transaction is submitted we wait for the Nexus state to be updated as well. After which we query the ZKsync 1 account details to be used by the ProofManagerClient.

const accountDetails: AccountApiResponse = await waitForUpdateOnNexus(zksync1NexusClient, blockNumber);

Now these proofs can be fetched by ZKSync 1 by creating a new instance of ProofManagerClient to fetch storage proofs, and then updating the Block and chain state.

const proofManagerClient = new ProofManagerClient(proofManagerAddressZKSYNC2, zksync2URL, privateKey); await proofManagerClient.updateNexusBlock(...); await proofManagerClient.updateChainState(...);

Now that the proof is fetched, the ZKSync 2 chain can verify any message or a transaction by retrieving the message from mailbox and verifying the proof by creating a new instance of ZKSyncVerifier called zksyncAdapter

const zksyncAdapter = new ZKSyncVerifier({ [appId1]: { rpcUrl: zksync1URL, mailboxContract: mailboxAddressZKSYNC1, stateManagerContract: proofManagerAddressZKSYNC1, appID: appId1, chainId: "270", type: Networks.ZKSync, privateKey }, [appId2]: { rpcUrl: zksync2URL, mailboxContract: mailboxAddressZKSYNC2, stateManagerContract: proofManagerAddressZKSYNC2, appID: appId2, chainId: "271", type: Networks.ZKSync, privateKey } }, appId1);
const storageSlot = getStorageLocationForReceipt(receiptHash); const proof = await zksyncAdapter.getReceiveMessageProof(...);
  1. Executing transaction transfers: you can call receiveMessage() on Mailbox contract in ZKSync 2. If proofs are valid, then tokens will be minted on ZKSync 2.

This is a simple example of how a message can be passed between two ZK rollups. From Locking tokens on ZKsync1 to sending a message via Mailbox, then fetching a proof from ZKsync1 and ZKsync2, and finally unlocking them on ZKSync2.

Now let’s venture into something slightly more complex below.

NFT Marketplace trade via Nexus Mailbox

This is a more advanced and complex example of leveraging contingent transactions using the Nexus Mailbox.

You can find the full repository  with code examples both for frontend integration and cli to try it out yourself.

Basic Overview

In this example, we have 2 chains ZKsync 1 and ZKsync 2.

  • ZKsync 1 hosts an onchain NFT Marketplace that users can buy NFTs from.
  • ZKsync 2 hosts a payment provider application that users can use to pay for services (in this case, the NFT bought on the NFT Marketplace).

The basic flow of interactions would look like the following:

  • User intends to buy an NFT and initiates a BUY request.
  • NFT Marketplace on ZKsync 1 locks the NFT (lockNFT) and waits for payment, until it times out.
  • A payment provider interface pops up for the user prompting to pay for the NFT.

Scenario 1 - User pays for the NFT:

  • User pays for the NFT on ZKsync 2 and waits for the NFT to be released (payForNFT).
  • Nexus state is updated with the new state of ZKSync 2.
  • NFT Marketplace (ZKsync 1) fetches the proof of inclusion of the payment done on ZKsync 2 via Nexus and verifies.
  • NFT Marketplace releases the NFT to the buyer after it verifies that the payment is done.

Scenario 2 - User does not pay for the NFT:

  • Nexus state is updated.
  • NFT Marketplace (ZKsync 1) fetches the proof of non-inclusion of the payment via Nexus and verifies.
  • NFT is unlocked and is not transferred to User.

Code Walkthrough

Find the full implementation of the code here . It is recommended to read through the codebase for a deeper understanding on how to utilize Nexus. The following walkthrough is aimed at giving you a high-level overview on how to interact with Nexus.

  1. Import dependencies.
import { ethers, Log, TransactionReceipt, Provider, keccak256, lock } from "ethers"; import { Provider as L2Provider, types } from "zksync-ethers"; import erc20Abi from "./abi/MyERC20Token.json" with { type: "json" }; import nexusStateManagerAbi from "./abi/nexusStateManager.json" with { type: "json" }; import axios from "axios"; import paymentAbi from "./abi/NFTPaymentMailbox.json" with { type: "json" }; import nftAbi from "./abi/MyNFTMailbox.json" with { type: "json" }; import mailboxAbi from "./abi/nexus_mailbox.json" with { type: "json" }; import storageProofAbi from "./abi/StorageProof.json" with { type: "json" }; import verifierWrapperAbi from "./abi/VerifierWrapper.json" with { type: "json" }; import zksyncNexusManagerAbi from "./abi/ZKSyncNexusManagerRouter.json" with { type: "json" }; import { NexusClient, MailBoxClient, ProofManagerClient, ZKSyncVerifier } from "nexus-js"; import { AccountApiResponse } from "nexus-js"; import { Networks } from "nexus-js"; import { MailboxMessageStruct } from "nexus-js"; import { AbiCoder } from "ethers"; import { ParamType } from "ethers"; import { ErrorDecoder } from "ethers-decode-error"; import deployedAddresses from "./deployed_addresses.json" with { type: "json" };
  1. Define types & interfaces to interact with NexusState, NexusInfo, MailboxMessage, PaymentReceipt.
type NexusState = { stateRoot: string; blockHash: string; }; type NexusInfo = { info: NexusState; chainStateNumber: number; response: { account: { statement: string; state_root: string; start_nexus_hash: string; last_proof_height: number; height: number; }; proof: string[]; value_hash: string; nexus_header: { parent_hash: string; prev_state_root: string; state_root: string; avail_header_hash: string; number: number; }; }; }; interface MailboxMessage { nexusAppIDFrom: string; // bytes32 -> string nexusAppIDTo: string[]; // bytes32[] -> string[] data: string; // bytes -> string from: string; // address -> string to: string[]; // address[] -> string[] nonce: bigint | string; // uint256 -> number or string for large numbers } interface PaymentReceipt { from: string; to: string; nftId: string; amount: string; tokenAddress: string; }

Configs: Define the addresses on which Mailbox, Bridges and other things are deployed on.

let nexusRPCUrl = ""; let zksync_nft_url = ""; let zksync_payment_url = ""; let privateKeyZkSync = "0x5090c024edb3bdf4ce2ebc2da96bedee925d9d77d729687e5e2d56382cf0a5a6"; let privateKeyZkSync2 = "0x5090c024edb3bdf4ce2ebc2da96bedee925d9d77d729687e5e2d56382cf0a5a6"; let stateManagerNFTChainAddr = deployedAddresses.proofManagerAddress1; let paymentContractAddress = deployedAddresses.nftPaymentContractAddress; let paymentTokenAddr = deployedAddresses.tokenContractAddress; let nftContractAddress = deployedAddresses.nftContractAddress; let tokenId = 133; let app_id = "0x1f5ff885ceb5bf1350c4449316b7d703034c1278ab25bcc923d5347645a0117e"; let app_id_2 = "0x31b8a7e9f916616a8ed5eb471a36e018195c319600cbd3bbe726d1c96f03568d";
  1. We will first lock our NFT and then initiate a request for payment. The functions lockNFT() and payForNFT() are defined in the codebase.
const lockNFTResult = await lockNFT(); //locks NFT on ZKsync 1 const [paymentBlockNumber, emmittedReceiptHash] = await payForNFT(); //payment for NFT done on ZKsync 2
  1. Once the payment is done on ZKSync 2, we need to wait for it to be update on the Nexus State, and update ZKsync 1’s view of the Nexus Block based on the updated state od ZKSync 2.
const accountDetails: AccountApiResponse = await waitForUpdateOnNexus(paymentNexusClient, paymentBlockNumber); await proofManagerClient.updateNexusBlock(...); await proofManagerClient.updateChainState( accountDetails.response.nexus_header.number, accountDetails.response.proof, app_id_2, accountDetails.response.account )
  1. We create an instance of the ZKSyncVerifier as zksyncAdapter, and define the expected PaymentReceipt.
const zksyncAdapter = new ZKSyncVerifier({ [app_id]: { rpcUrl: zksync_nft_url, mailboxContract: deployedAddresses.mailBoxAddress1, stateManagerContract: stateManagerNFTChainAddr, appID: app_id, chainId: "271", type: Networks.ZKSync, privateKey: privateKeyZkSync }, [app_id_2]: { rpcUrl: zksync_payment_url, mailboxContract: deployedAddresses.mailBoxAddress2, stateManagerContract: deployedAddresses.proofManagerAddress2, appID: app_id_2, chainId: "272", type: Networks.ZKSync, privateKey: privateKeyZkSync2 } }, app_id) const paymentReceipt: PaymentReceipt = { from: await signerPayment.getAddress(), to: await signerPayment.getAddress(), nftId: tokenId.toString(), amount: ethers.parseEther("1").toString(), tokenAddress: paymentTokenAddr, }
  1. We define the expected from the Mailbox and encodes it.
const expectedMessage: MailboxMessage = { nexusAppIDFrom: app_id_2, nexusAppIDTo: [app_id], data: abiCoder.encode(["address", "address", "uint256", "uint256", "address"], [ paymentReceipt.from,, paymentReceipt.nftId, paymentReceipt.amount, paymentReceipt.tokenAddress, ]), from: paymentContractAddress, to: [nftContractAddress], nonce: lockNFTResult.nonce.toString(), }; console.log("expected message", expectedMessage); const encodedReceipt = ethers.AbiCoder.defaultAbiCoder().encode( ["tuple(bytes32 nexusAppIDFrom, bytes32[] nexusAppIDTo, bytes data, address from, address[] to, uint256 nonce)"], [{ nexusAppIDFrom: expectedMessage.nexusAppIDFrom, nexusAppIDTo: expectedMessage.nexusAppIDTo, data:, from: expectedMessage.from, to:, nonce: expectedMessage.nonce }] );
  1. We then check if the hash of the expected encodedReceipt is available in the Mailbox. If this is true, then we have calculated the correct receipt hash and are able to easily verify the payment.
const receiptHash = keccak256(encodedReceipt); const mapping = await mailboxContract.messages(emmittedReceiptHash); console.log("✅ Mapping exists", mapping); const storageSlot: bigint = await paymentContract.getStorageLocationForReceipt(receiptHash); const proof = await zksyncAdapter.getReceiveMessageProof(accountDetails.response.account.height, expectedMessage, { storageKey: storageSlot.toString() });
  1. Finally, we transfer the NFT since the payment has been verified.
let receipt: TransactionReceipt | null = null; try { const transferTx = await nftContract.transferNFT( accountDetails.response.account.height, expectedMessage, zksyncAdapter.encodeMessageProof(proof), ) receipt = await transferTx.wait(); console.log("✅ NFT Transfer successful", receipt?.logs) }

And there you have it we have bought an NFT on ZKsync 1 while paying for it on ZKsync 2. This was a slightly more complex example to showcase Nexus’s contingent transaction capabilities.

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